Dept. of Informatics & Telecommunications @ University of Athens


G. Papadimitriou, A. Chatzidimitriou, D. Gizopoulos, V. J. Reddi, J. Leng, B. Salami, O. S. Unsal, and A. C. Kestelman, “Exceeding Conservative Limits: A Consolidated Analysis on Modern Hardware Margins”, IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability (IEEE TDMR), April 2020.

Lab’s paper was ACCEPTED @ IEEE IISWC 2019

A. Chatzidimitriou, G. Papadimitriou, C. Gavanas, G. Katsoridas, and D. Gizopoulos, “Multi-Bit Upsets Vulnerability Analysis of Modern Microprocessors”, IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC 2019), Orlando, Florida, USA, November 2019.

Lab’s paper DSN 2019 is a best paper award nominee

Demystifying Soft Error Assessment Strategies on ARM CPUs: Microarchitectural Fault Injection vs. Neutron Beam Experiments, A. Chatzidimitriou, P. Bodmann, G. Papadimitriou, D. Gizopoulos, and P. Rech, IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2019), Portland, Oregon, USA, June 2019. The conference program is available at

Lab’s paper ACCEPTED @ IEEE/IFIP DSN 2019

Demystifying Soft Error Assessment Strategies on ARM CPUs: Microarchitectural Fault Injection vs. Neutron Beam Experiments, A. Chatzidimitriou, P. Bodmann, G. Papadimitriou, D. Gizopoulos, and P. Rech, IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2019), Portland, Oregon, USA, June 2019.

Lab’s paper ACCEPTED @ IEEE ISPASS 2019

Assessing the Effects of Low Voltage in Branch Prediction Units, A. Chatzidimitriou, G. Papadimitriou, D. Gizopoulos, S. Ganapathy, and J. Kalamatianos, IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS 2019), Madison, Wisconsin, USA, March 2019.