
Recent CAL’s paper in IEEE TC has been awarded the 2022 Best Paper Award

2022 Best Paper Award from IEEE Transactions on Computers by the IEEE Computer Society Publications Board P. R. Bodmann, G. Papadimitriou, R. L. Rech Jr, D. Gizopoulos, and P. Rech, “Soft Error Effects on Arm Microprocessors: Early Estimations vs. Chip Measurements”, IEEE Transactions on Computers (IEEE TC), Volume: 71, Issue: 10, pp. 2358-2369, October...

2 Lab’s papers ACCEPTED @ ACM/IEEE MICRO 2022

Y. Sazeides, A. Gerber, R. Gabor, A. Bramnik, G. Papadimitriou, D. Gizopoulos, C. Nicopoulos, G. Dimitrakopoulos, and K. Patsidis, “IDLD: Instantaneous Detection of Leakage and Duplication of Identifiers used for Register Renaming”, ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO 2022), Chicago, Illinois, USA, October 1-5, 2022. C. Alverti, V. Karakostas, N. Kunati, G. Goumas, and...

2 Lab’s papers ACCEPTED @ IEEE IISWC 2021

G. Papadimitriou and D. Gizopoulos, “Characterizing Soft Error Vulnerability of CPUs Across Compiler Optimizations and Microarchitectures”, IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC 2021), November 2021. I. Tsiokanos, G. Papadimitriou, D. Gizopoulos, and G. Karakonstantis, “Boosting Microprocessor Efficiency: Circuit- and Workload-Aware Assessment of Timing Errors”, IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC 2021), November...